How can the Briese Learning Experience help you and your child?

We assess your child's cognitive abilities, sensory motor processes, and academic achievement levels. We can administer tests to determine if a child has problems such as dyslexia and ADHD, and can diagnose or advise on mental conditions such as depression.

Assessment Services:

  • Cognitive/Intellectual
  • Auditory Processing
  • Visual Perception
  • Sensory Motor Integration
  • Attention Difficulties
  • Social/Emotional/Behavioral

Please note that while we might recognize mental disorders such as schizophrenia, ADHD, and bipolar, we work with the child's learning problem; a clinical psychologist should help with any mental condition.

We facilitate the learning process by integrating therapy through art and education. Learning is an art form.

For children, we provide Educational Therapy (Integrating Therapy through Education and Art):

  • Individual
  • Small Group
  • Enhancing Academic Skills
  • Building Self-Esteem
  • Developing Social Skills

For adults, we provide Consultation and Coaching:

  • Supportive services for parents and family members who relate to the child
  • Coordinate services with the child's physicians and school personnel
  • Mentoring adults